As you pay attention to the images above you are in fact practicing mindfulness… by simply tuning into your experience as it is right now as you look at the screen:
- Body awareness… sensations arising in the body… warm , cool, sensations of pressure, touch… the breath moving in and out of the body… are you aware of the breath or any sensations as you look at the images?
- Self awareness… where is your attention right now as you watch the screen… are you aware of what the body is in contact with sitting, standing or lying?
- Becoming aware of what you are feeling right now… observing each emotion as it arises in the moment as you take in more of the image
- Are you aware of your thoughts or judgements right now… perhaps already deciding if you like or dislike what you’re seeing or reading so far….
You already have this wonderful innate capacity to be really present in the moment and in the ordinary moments in daily life… By paying attention to these ordinary moments you are practicing informal meditation practices.
By choosing to attend a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course you will be introduced to formal meditation practices to support and strengthen the informal meditation practices. Medical and scientific research studies have shown that both formal and informal mindfulness practices have profound effects on our brains, minds and bodies.